Dragon Pharma

From 2.68 to 4.56 ROAS in one year with the same investment

The Brand

Dragon Pharma is an international sports nutrition and supplements brand for athletes. Their mission is to create the absolute best products possible and help their consumers get in the best shape of their life. Dragon Pharma wants their lab-developed products to speak for themselves in terms of quality.

With over 15 years of experience within the dietary sports supplement industry, it’s a leading brand of high-quality sports supplements.

It was created to set them apart from every competitor on the market that, as they felt, has been deceiving consumers into buying products with false claims.

The Challenge

At the end of 2019, Dragon Pharma had one main problem: low Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). This meant a high investment in paid ads without a registered increase in profit. Furthermore, they were also paying fees over the profits they had, which meant even less money for the company.

When Dragon Pharma signed up with Remote Creative at the beginning of 2020, our challenge was, then, to increase their ROAS and scale their business. This translated into less investment but with higher conversions. To do this, the strategy had to be well thought out and the ads spot on.

The Solution

In the first year of collaboration with Dragon Pharma, we managed to decrease the Amount Spent by 3.24% and increase the Revenue by 43.21%. This translated into a general increase of the ROAS of the company by 70.15%, with an average of 4.56.

In order to achieve this, both company teams worked closely together to test many options on how to appeal to new consumers and engage with the ones already that already existed, as well as

launching new offers and stacks that could increase the Average Order Value (AOV) and the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)..

Generically, this meant regularly testing new audiences, new creatives, and different types of copy, as well as trying different offers. The goal, at this point, was to find winners and scale them up with our scaling system.

This way, with continuous cooperation by both parties, we were able to learn what worked for Dragon Pharma consumers, what kind of offers they responded to, and how to address them in order to captivate them and find new potential customers.




Sales (first year)


Returning Customer Rate

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Want to scale your business?

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